A Message From Somebody Nobody

Jonathan Aranki
4 min readJun 15, 2021
Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

When somebody lives long enough, they get interested in philosophy.

When nobody lives long enough, they become a zero.

A while back, I wrote a post on reddit shower thought, that reads.

Zero is the king of all numbers.
No digit can multiply or divide it and stay the same.
Yet it is so humble it doesn’t add or subtract from the lives of other integers

So this got me thinking, what is the basis for living?

Should we keep on chasing the negative and positive infinities, or should we find balance by becoming zero?

Eventually, I came to a conclusion, we humans are fickle beings.

We love the negative and positive infinities, but are so deluded, we are unwilling to admit it.

Zero is calm, zero is perfect. But at the same time zero is boring. That is why zero is always overlooked.

We humans are happiest, when we face adversity and strife, be it the negative infinity of evil woes, like sicknesses, diseases and pestilence.

Or the positive infinities of good woes, like good health, favor, and blessings.

Regardless of whether you are enjoying the negative infinities, which can be painful, or you are enjoying the positive infinities, which can be comforting, you will realize that you are not bored, since you have not been perfected, by becoming a zero.

Because like zero, perfection is boring.

Also, like zero, perfection, is empty.

For example, you buy a game, and are interested in it, once you finish playing the game and perfected it, the game becomes boring.

Hence why, I say perfection is boring.

Most importantly, perfection is detached, because on the number line, all other numbers have their positive and negative counterparts, except zero.

One, has negative one, two has negative two, three has negative three, but zero stands alone.

So I asked myself, should I become a zero, or should I become a hero?

And then I realized that, I don’t know what the hell, I am talking about.

There is a reason, why the numbers run infinitely.

If you get deluded and chase, either positive or negative infinity, you will become undefined, as you lose your senses, to vain things, that won’t matter, in the next century.

So, I leave you with this, poem, that came to me, when I discovered the first mystery of zero.

Wake to the Fate of Your Destiny
Life Situations are sometimes just illusions
Just don’t get lost in them or sojourner.
Three, two, one, those are the steps, you must contend against.

If you haven’t gotten the memo, all this post is trying to say, is that you are a god, and can choose the path of your destiny.

But be ready to deal with the consequences, without remorse.

Because at the end of the day, all humans, are products of infinity, which has no end.

And so, I keep on pushing, blogging ferociously, and teaching people how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days for free.

There is a reason, the angels, lost their minds, and came to earth, to birth the Nephilim.

They had been perfected, but they got bored, and came to earth.

So, don’t be deluded, make today, your heaven, start by being your brothers keeper.

Talk less, eat more healthy foods, and mind your business.

I am a Tiger, I move alone because I am a somebody nobody.

I have realized that, no matter how anybody loves you, they will never follow you, into the grave. That is a journey, you will undertake yourself.

Make today, your heaven.

You have existed, from the beginning, as a product of the light of God, your memories, were wiped out, because you had been perfected, and became bored.

You are experiencing this again, but know, that there is nothing new under the sun.

So stay strong, start practicing how to become a strong individual, by unleashing the light within you.

This light can only be unleashed, through steadfast closure of the mouth.

You have eyes but you cannot see, because you are always talking.

Become a cat, observe more, talk less, and before you know it, your light will start emanating, and changing the lives of people.

As a somebody, I will leave you a free guide to learn how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days.

As a Nobody, I will tell you that it doesn’t matter, what you do from here on out.

As a Somebody Nobody, I will say this…………….

The End

